Monday, November 21, 2011

Progress 4 FINISH

‎"The Spellbinding Bubble Baron" ...

‎Mini Print's for $20 with free shipping: CLiCK HERE

... large format prints ( 17" x 22" ): CLiCK HERE

Friday, November 11, 2011

Progress 3

... The glorious character paint stage... Aiming to have the entire piece completed by Monday.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Progress 2

Ah yes... the smell of mediums and Oil paints in the air... always a treat to lay in the first coat of Oil onto a painting journey... however, the 1st layer, as an artist friend and I like to call it: "The Ugly Layer"... is just some structure to walk on. The ugly layer, for the most part... is just to get the ball rolling, to establish a direction for what's to follow. You don't want to zombify yourself slaving over every ounce of the piece at this stage, that's just foolish... it's much easier to go back over when this layer dries, to tweak things, glaze things, push and pull...

So as you can start to see in the image... I want to push the enchanting quality of the character, by placing him/her/it... in a healthy, natural environment... something fresh, lively... something that opens up all your senses... a little touch of flowers, although somewhat obscure, went a long ways.

As I do with most my character paintings, I blurred the background... it creates contrast and helps push the details of a character... if you want something to look hot, put it next to something cold etc. It's funny how these obvious little understandings can get overlooked when developing a painting... however, it makes a big difference.

Monday, November 7, 2011


With some interested queries... I've decided to post the progression of my current painting that will be for the "Drawing Dreams Foundation" ( ) art auction at the Society of Illustrators in New York on December 7, 2011.

These first 2 images are first the under drawing, and then have gone over that with washes of acrylic to establish the under painting. I like to keep this stage muted, lowly rendered and lowly saturated to give the Oil paint that will be painted in translucent layers on top some room to brighten and lively things.